Keyboard shortcuts are available in Desktop apps in Linux, MacOS and Windows.
If a function has mulitple shortcuts, they are separated by commas.
is usually either command
(Mac) or windows
Function | Shortcut |
Select main entry | 0, home |
Select first entry | gg, < |
Select last entry | G, > |
Select next entry | tab, ctrl n, j, down arrow |
Select previous entry | shift tab, k, ctrl p, up arrow |
Select next 10th entry | page down, ctrl v, ctrl d |
Select previous 10th entry | page up, ctrl b, alt v |
Go to parent entry | esc, left arrow, h |
Go into selected entry | enter, right arrow, l |
Go to entry by prefix | / |
Add new entry | a, + |
Edit entry | e |
Edit entry in external editor | shift e |
Copy entry name | c, yy |
Copy entry content | shift c, shift y |
Delete entry | delete, backspace, -, dd |
Rename entry | r |
Move entry | m |
Publish entry | p |
Import data | i |
Export data | x |
Search | ctrl f, meta f |
Function | Shortcut |
Save | ctrl s, meta s |
Move forward by a character | ctrl f |
Move backward by a character | ctrl b |
Move to next line | ctrl n |
Move to previous line | ctrl p |
Move to beginning of text | home, ctrl [, cmd [ |
Move to end of text | end, ctrl ], cmd ] |
Undo | ctrl z, meta z |
Redo | shift ctrl z, shift meta z |
Delete line from current position | ctrl k |
Search | ctrl /, meta /, meta f |
Table: Move to next table cell | tab |
Table: Move to previous table cell | shift tab |
Move to next word boundary | tab |
Move to previous word boundary | shift tab |
Exit editor | esc |
For Asciidoc, Markdown, Org content
If an entry's name ends with .txt
or .md
or .org
the following shortcuts are also available.
Function | Shortcut |
Add sibling section | ctrl enter, meta enter, alt enter |
Toggle entry to TODO/DONE/None | ctrl meta t, ctrl shift t |
Increment level of current line | ctrl meta left-arrow, ctrl shift left-arrow |
Decrement level of current line | ctrl meta right-arrow, ctrl shift right-arrow |
Swap entry with next sibling | ctrl meta down-arrow, ctrl shift down-arrow |
Swap entry with previous sibling | ctrl meta up-arrow, ctrl shift up-arrow |
Show document outline | ctrl meta o, ctrl shift o |