Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are available in Desktop apps in Linux, MacOS and Windows.

If a function has mulitple shortcuts, they are separated by commas.

meta is usually either command (Mac) or windows key.


Function Shortcut
Select main entry 0, home
Select first entry gg, <
Select last entry G, >
Select next entry tab, ctrl n, j, down arrow
Select previous entry shift tab, k, ctrl p, up arrow
Select next 10th entry page down, ctrl v, ctrl d
Select previous 10th entry page up, ctrl b, alt v
Go to parent entry esc, left arrow, h
Go into selected entry enter, right arrow, l
Go to entry by prefix /
Add new entry a, +
Edit entry e
Edit entry in external editor shift e
Copy entry name c, yy
Copy entry content shift c, shift y
Delete entry delete, backspace, -, dd
Rename entry r
Move entry m
Publish entry p
Import data i
Export data x
Search ctrl f, meta f


Function Shortcut
Save ctrl s, meta s
Move forward by a character ctrl f
Move backward by a character ctrl b
Move to next line ctrl n
Move to previous line ctrl p
Move to beginning of text home, ctrl [, cmd [
Move to end of text end, ctrl ], cmd ]
Undo ctrl z, meta z
Redo shift ctrl z, shift meta z
Delete line from current position ctrl k
Search ctrl /, meta /, meta f
Table: Move to next table cell tab
Table: Move to previous table cell shift tab
Move to next word boundary tab
Move to previous word boundary shift tab
Exit editor esc

For Asciidoc, Markdown, Org content

If an entry's name ends with .txt or .md or .org then the following shortcuts are also available.

Function Shortcut
Add sibling section ctrl enter, meta enter, alt enter
Toggle entry to TODO/DONE/None ctrl meta t, ctrl shift t
Increment level of current line ctrl meta left-arrow, ctrl shift left-arrow
Decrement level of current line ctrl meta right-arrow, ctrl shift right-arrow
Swap entry with next sibling ctrl meta down-arrow, ctrl shift down-arrow
Swap entry with previous sibling ctrl meta up-arrow, ctrl shift up-arrow
Show document outline ctrl meta o, ctrl shift o